Breathe Carolina - Drag Me Down

14 March - 28 March
Max Payout

Earn Per Milestone



Upload your video

As a Collabhouse user, you can participate in this campaign by uploading your own TikTok and/or Instagram post featuring Breathe Carolina's latest song. See below for details and submit your post.

Campaign ended

Ensure your video conforms to the campaign guidelines. Collabhouse reserves the right to reject videos that do not conform to these guidelines.

Milestones TikTok campaignMilestones TikTok campaign
100% budget used

Campaign will be closed at 100%

How it works

You're invited to participate in our new music promotion campaign (beta phase). By creating captivating videos featuring the highlighted song, you'll earn money based on the views your videos generate.

See how it works, step by step
  1. Read campaign details
    Familiarize yourself with the campaign brief, including the song details, requirements, campaign period and any specific guidelines provided.
  2. Create video
    Get creative! Produce a video that incorporates the in an engaging and authentic way. Let your personality shine through, but make sure to meet the brief requirements
  3. Post video
    Share your video on your social media platforms and encourage your followers to engage with it. The more views your video gets, the more you'll earn.
  4. Submit video
    Once your video is live, submit it using the provided submission form. Make sure to include all required information. You have until the campaign deadline to submit your video.
  5. Get paid
    Sit back and watch your earnings grow! After 2 weeks from the end of this period, we will measure the results and make the payment. Payments will be made via PayPal, with your earnings based on the number of views your video receives after the campaign period.

Ready to get started? Dive into the campaign details below and let's go viral together! To participate in the campaign, you need to have a Collabhouse account. Please make sure to create one before submitting your video! If you have any questions or need assistance, please visit our Help Desk for more useful information and insights.

Campaign details

Rewrite this text: An extreme sports/activity video, showing you at your absolute best while doing your sport/activity. The more energy the better, so think of quick transitions and explosive moments.

Campaign period
14 March - 28 March

Brief type
Fixed Trend

Artist(s) profile link
See profile here

Challenge Hashtags

#collabhouse #breathecarolina #newmusic #dance #dragmedown

Primary Video Language


Official Sound

Use TikTok sound

Use Instagram sound